3 Kids Farm Whiskey Lullaby
Born 4/4/18
Light Tan Chamoisee with White Spot on Back and Blue Eyes
Lullaby is a lovely doe. She is the daughter of 3 Kids Farm FG Willow and our buck Springwater Virginia Whiskey. Her most recent LA score was VVEV 87. Unfortunately, on our most recent appraisal they were unable to read her tattoo, so she was not appraised. The appraiser did really like her though. We feel her score would definitely went higher. Hopefully her next appraisal will go well. She has continued to milk well for us this lacation as well, peaking around 4.5 lbs per day. Lullaby is definitely a herd builder who is going to stick around here with us.
3 Kids Farm VW Helga
Born 3/23/19
Cream and White with Blue Eyes
This is one of our favorite maternal lines in our herd. Helga is very angular and has great depth and open ribbed, with a lovely well attached udder. We feel she is very solid herd building material. Her 2022 linear appraisal score was VEEE 89 We have retained a couple daughters out of her as well. We love our Helga!
3 Kids Farm I Esme
Born 2/14/22
Black with Chocolate Brown & Tan Moonspots
Esme was was born on Valentine's day, and she was one of my favorite lil valentines for sure! She is a daughter of an elite doe, Springwater DC Raspberry Pie, and Onaqui BH Isidore, so some heavy hitters on both sides genetically. We are loving what we are seeing so far in this cute girl!
3 Kids Farm I Kissy
Born 2/14/22
Black with Chocolate Brown & Tan Moonspots
Kissy is the littermate sister to Esme, pictured above. We don't often retain littermates, but sure have liked these 2 does. They have many similarities, but many differences as well. Kissy, also the daughter of elite doe, Springwater DC Raspberry Pie, and Onaqui BH Isidore is a looker for sure. We love the mammary system on this doe, and her second freshening was of a single kid, so considering that info she is producing quite well. We look forward to watching this pretty girl mature.
3 Kids Farm 4&20 Blackbird Pie
Born 2/9/20
Blackbird is a daughter of Raspberry Pie and Sired by Springwater Virigina Whiskey. This lil gal came to the party to milk, and she's doing a fine job of it. She is pictured below in lower pictures as a FF in her working clothes, not a show clip, not uddered up....but let me assure you she is pretty lil gal and has definitely earned the right to stay here. We believe she will get better as she ages.....watch this one. ;)
3 Kids Farm B Pie A La Mode
Born 4/2/21
White with Black Markings
This girl lives up to her name....because she's definitely the ice cream on top! She is more on the petite side, though we suspect she will continue to grow for a while as she is a yearling first freshner. She does have the genetics to milk and is doing just that! Her 2022 linear appraisal score was +VEV 86. This little gal is earning her keep, we will be watching what she does in upcoming years.
3 Kids Farm B Blueberry Buckle
Born 6/24/20
Black with Tan and White Moonspots
Ok, I'm not gonna lie.....I originally retained this doe because she "sparkled". But I sure don't regret it! We are pretty tickled with what she is developing into these days. We have posted pictures from this lactation and her last lactation as a first freshener. She freshened the first time with just a single doeling, but she milked very well considering that fact! We are so glad we held onto this girl, this year with kidding with triplets she has become just a stunning milk producing machine! We love our Buckle!! We think she is going to do nothing but improve. He linear appraisal score as a FF was ++VV 86. Hoping to see that go up as well this year, but either way...she is a keeper!
Wild In Wild H Luna Lovegood
Born 3/13/17
Light Buckskin with White, Frosted Ears and Nose
Luna is an addition to our herd that we are soooo excited about! As you can see she is a gorgeous gal, with a perfect balance of dairyness and strength. She has been appraised at VEEE 90. And as if that was not enough, she's a great producer to boot...has averaged 3.5-4 lbs per day on her most recent lactation. We are very thankful to Twin Arrows Farm for allowing us to add her to our herd. Photos of this beautiful doe are courtesy of Twin Arrows Farm
3 Kids Farm B Hilda
Born 4/27/21
Black with white marking and blue eyes
Hilda is really a beautiful doe, much prettier than these pictures reflect. She was not "in the mood" on picture day so not all that cooperative. But trust us.....she is absolutely becoming a favorite here. She was appraised last year, but was fresh only a week at the time of linear appraisal and scored GVV+ 81. I suspect that score will go up on future lactations as she is given some time to mature. She is the daughter of a favorite here, Helga. We are going to hold onto this one. She has some nice genetics, she just needs a little time to live up to them.
3 Kids Farm B Frehja
Born 6/23/20
Black with Tan and White Moonspots
Frehja comes from one of our favorite dam lines in our herd. Her dam is 3 Kids Farm VW Helga. Her linear appraisal score this year as a FF was VVE+ 85, and she has been a great little producer for us as well. We are very happy with this and think she is solid herd building material. This pretty girl is gonna stick around a bit ;)
Onaqui BH Roe Quinn
Born 2/12/2020
Dark Buckskin
Quinn was a fun addition to our herd. We were fortunate enough to even add her as a bred doe, carrying kids from Old Mountain Farm Magik Trick. We are happy to say she delivered beautiful triplets that we are watching grow. So far they are looking stellar. Quinn fell right into the groove here and found her place in the herd quite easily. She was dam raised, so to begin with not thrilled about being handled, but she knows her job has been milking well for us. She is even beginning to come around to some human attention and I think kinda liking it. Anyway, she is a beautiful doe and we look forward to having her in our herd for many years to come. We are thankful to Onaqui Nigerians for letting her join us.
She also did very well at appraisal here in 2023 scoring GEEE89
She also did very well at appraisal here in 2023 scoring GEEE89
3 Kids Farm MCD Hildie
Born 4/9/22
Light Gold with White Markings
We have high hopes for this sweet girl. Her dam is our Helga with whom we are more than a lil smitten. She is a bit on the petite size, but good things can come in little packages. With her genetics she has some great possibilities.
3 Kids Farm MCD Robyn
Born 4/16/22
Black and Tan Buckskin
Robyn is a daughter of Onaqui Starship McDreamy and our lovely doe Blackbird. So far the does we have freshened that are McDreamy daughters have had lovely udders. Her dam, Blackbird, has both type and production on her side so this promises to be a very nice doe.